
Nine papers accepted at ICLR'25 and NAACL'25

Eight papers on MLLM, RL, and Robotics were accepted at ICLR’25, while one was accepted at NAACL’25. Congratulations to all.

Six papers accepted at NeurIPS'24

Six papers on reinforcement learning were accepted at NeurIPS’24. Congratulations to all.

Four papers accepted at ECCV'24

Four papers on multimodal models, learning from videos, and generalization in RL were accepted at ECCV’24.

Two papers accepted at ICML'24, while one accepted at ACL'24

Two papers on RL, COREP and PAR, were accepted at ICML’24, and one paper about RL with natural language action space, MIPO, was accepted at ACL’24

Two papers accepted at NAACL'24

Two papers about fine-tuning LLMs for decision-making tasks, AdaRefiner and LLaMA-Rider, were accepted at NAACL’24.

Eight papers accepted at ICLR'24, AAAI'24, AAMAS'24, and TMLR

Three papers respectively on LMMs, policy pre-training and offline RL were accepted at ICLR’24. Additionally, we have one paper accepted at TMLR, two at AAAI’24, and two at AAMAS’24. Congratulations to all.

Two papers accepted at NeurIPS'23

Our two papers about learning from observation and multi-agent reinforcement learning were accepted at NeurIPS’23. Congratulations to Bohan and Jiangxing.

Two papers accepted respectively at ACL'23 and ICML'23

Our two papers about language learning and language grounding via reinforcement learning were respectively accepted at ACL’23 and ICML’23.

One paper accepted at CVPR'23

Our paper, MA2ML, was accepted at CVPR’23. MA2ML is a MARL algorithm for full-pipeline automated machine learning.

Three papers accepted respectively at ICLR'23, AAAI'23, and AAMAS'23

Our three papers, MACPF, OTC, and AdaMa were respectively accepted at ICLR’23, AAAI’23, and AAMAS’23.